“The really valuable method of thought to arrive at a logically coherent system is intuition.”  
-Albert Einstein
Intuitive Healer | Reiki Master Teacher | Certified Yoga Instructor | Meditation Instructor
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Flower Essences

For a positive outlook help yourself with flower essences. These personal remedies are intuitively mixed for your individual needs by Sandy.

When you feel fulfilled, happy and positive, you tend to enjoy better health. You get more out of life and can give more to your friends and family. However, the emotional demands of everyday life can make it difficult to maintain a consistent, positive mental attitude. Flower essences are made by distilling the energetic properties of plants and flowers into water using crystal bowls and sunlight.  No part of the physical plant is used so, unlike herbs,  there is no risk of chemical physical side effects.  Flower essences utilize the energetic properties of the plants to facilitate balance in the energetic emotional system.  They are distilled in spring water, vegetable glycerin and a small amount of alcohol.  Because only the energy of the plant is used, they can be taken by people with allergies.  They will not interact with any medication.    

Created in the 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor and bacteriologist, the Bach Flower Essences are 38 plant and flower based formulas that can help us manage the emotional demands of everyday life by bringing negative attitudes and feelings back into balance and perspective. By helping to restore and maintain emotional balance, the Bach Flower Essences free the body’s own healing functions and help to promote overall wellness.

Depending on the person's needs,  Sandy uses Bach or Perelandra flower essences.  Through meditation Sandy is able to channel the appropriate essences and dosages for each individual.  She intuitively selects and mixes a combination of essences target specific for a persons issues at the present time.  Sandy does not need to meet or know the person to do this.  She only requires a name to meditate on.  The essence is mixed in a 1 oz dropper bottle.  The mixture is taken by mouth 2 or 3 times a day until done. (dosage varies)   The mixture will last approximately 3 weeks.  An essence may be ordered by phone or email.  Along with the mixture, a detailed reading of which essences were used and how they apply to the persons life will be included.  

Sandy has had great success with the flower essences not only in adults but, especially children.  Some of the issues she has treated in children are, night terrors, behavioral issues in school, anxiety, nervousness, hypersensitivity,   moodiness, insomnia and teething.  The flower essences support the system emotionally while gently, energetically changing and releasing old issues, trauma and patterns that hinder our health and happiness.  They are quite amazing!  

To order a flower essence simply contact Sandy 570-288-1785 or email on contact page.  She will create an essence intuitively, especially for you!  Your presence is not required.  Your essence can be shipped to you or picked up at the Edwardsville location.

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