“The really valuable method of thought to arrive at a logically coherent system is intuition.”  
-Albert Einstein
Intuitive Healer | Reiki Master Teacher | Certified Yoga Instructor | Meditation Instructor
Private Singing Bowl Now Offered!
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Candle Light Healing Circle

Friday, January 7th from 5:30 to 6:30pm. This is a quiet and meditative time to nourish your soul. Participants will receive energy healing while resting on the floor.We also send prayers, love and energy to all we love and know as well as all people, animals and the earth itself. This is a positive expression of love. No Reservations needed. Bring a mat and blanket if you have them. Please bring a mask. $25 ck or cash payable that day.

Friday, January 7th from 5:30 to 6:30pm

Sandy Seyler Studio

50 Main Street, Luzerne, PA 18709

Second Floor

House of Nutrition

Contact Sandy

Studio Phone Snafu

In January of this year, 2023, good ole' Verizon Wireless did a huge upgrade to my Studio Phone 570-288-1785. WHAT A MESS!!! I will say they warned me. . .

Calls that came in were not shown on the app. When I finally got into my voicemail at the end of January there were more than a dozen calls. While sorting through those calls I realized some were reloaded from LAST JANUARY! 2022 After ripping out my hair, I tried to return calls. I did not discover this till after the Holiday Refresher was already over. So I am apologizing to all of you that did not get any response from me! I am truly sorry. I know now I have to monitor the voicemail instead of looking for notifications on the app. Therefore, thank you Verizon for making my business life harder!!! Looking forward to serving you better! Sincerely, Sandy

Contact Sandy

Day of Mini Angel Card Readings

This is New Date! Saturday, November 4th, 2023 The beautifully loving design of Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Deck gives an amazingly deep and heartfelt reading. Using the guidance from the angels and her intuitive gift, Sandy will offer clear, effective, detailed and life changing readings. Readings are $50 for 25 minutes check or cash, from 9:30am to 12:30pm by appointment preferred, walk-ins available. 570-288-1785. Sandy's Studio, Luzerne

Saturday, November 4th, 2023 from 9:30am to 12:30pm

50 Main St. Luzerne, PA 18709

Secind Floor

House of Nutrition

$50 for 25min reading
Contact Sandy

Shamanic Drumming Meditation

Friday, April 21st, 2023, 5:30nto 6:30pm Start the weekend off right with this relaxing and cleansing meditation.  Sandy will be drumming while you relax comfortably on the floor or in a chair. Shamanic drumming is rhythmic and spastic in spurts. The rhythm helps to put you in a meditative state of receptivity and the spastic rhythms help to release old negative energy, even if it has been buried for a long time. I have learned this drumming from my Native American and shamanic teachers. It is a deep cleansing experience just right for getting rid of old energy and welcoming Spring! Wear comfortable clothes. Bring a mat and blanket if you have them. Some available.  Cost is $25 cash or ck.

Friday, April 21st 2023 from 5:30 to 6:30pm

50 Main St

Luzerne PA

2nd floor House of Nutrition

$25 cash or ck
Contact Sandy

Angel Love Meditation

Saturday - March 9th, 2024 from 1:00PM - 2:00PM $30 ck or cash. Come, relax and enjoy a restorative and healing meditation. You will be relaxing on the floor or in a chair while Sandy guides you through meditation to meet your guardian angel and receive their love and deepen self love and appreciation. You will rest in a deep state of peace and relaxation. Others may experience a euphoric dream while resting. This will be of great benefit to all. Bring mats or blankets if you have them. Some mats and blankets available. Chair seating available. Call with any questions or to reserve a spot. 570-288-1785

Saturday, March 9th, 2024, 1:00PM - 2:00PM

House of Nutrition

50 Main St.

Luzenre PA 18709

Contact Sandy

Offering Reiki, Readings and Meditation by Phone

You can receive what you need in the comfort and safety of your own home. I have offered remote reiki by phone for 30 years. The session is as follows. We connect by phone and start the process with discussion and meditation. Then we hang up and you rest while I send. When complete I call back and we discuss findings. It is simple and restorative and has an even deeper emotional impact than in person. . . . . . .Readings are done by phone and your cards are txtd to you. . . . .Meditation works much like the reiki only we stay connected. . . .. .You can call 570-288-1785 to schedule or with more questions. I will get back to you.

Ongoing Service

50 Main St.

Luzerne, PA 18709

Contact Sandy

New Hours And Services

It's time to get rid of your heartache. Healing services available and on going. Reiki is available in person or by phone. Remote Reiki by phone is awesome! You can receive a treatment in the comfort of your own home. We connect and assess by phone then disconnect so you can rest comfortably. When treatment is finished, we reconnect to discuss findings. It really is great. Day and evening appointments available.

Card readings available in person, or your zoom. If by phone cards will be txtd to you. Call 570-288-1785 or contact page with questions, for details or to book your happiness now.

It's time to unwind and get rid of your stress! Yoga ongoing Tuesdays at 10:30am and Tuesdays at 6:30pm.  These classes will be steeped in tenderness and gentleness as befitting this trying time. Start your recovery now. Yoga nidra is always a win. Bring your own mats, blankets and props if you have them. Some mats and blankets available.



50 Main St


Other services in Edwardsville

Yoga $25 per class or pkg $90 --Reiki $90, Angel Cards $90 for approx 90min.
Contact Sandy

Crystal Singing Bowls

 Upcoming Class 2024

Saturday, April 27th, 2024 from 1:00pm to2:00pm. $25 cash or check. Come, relax and enjoy a restorative and healing meditation. You will be relaxing on the floor or in a chair while Sandy plays the crystal singing bowls. The vibration of the bowls will bring healing and alignment to body, mind and heart. The tones of the bowls will bring you into a great state of peace and relaxation. Others may experience a euphoric dream while resting. The beauty of the bowls is the vibration that sinks so deeply into the body. This will be of great benefit to all. Bring mats or blankets if you have them. Some mats and blankets available. Chair seating available. Cost is $25 Ck or Cash. Call with any questions. 570-288-1785 Checks accepted from returning customers only.

Saturday, April 27th,2024

50 Main St. Luzerne, PA 18640

Contact Sandy
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