“The really valuable method of thought to arrive at a logically coherent system is intuition.”  
-Albert Einstein
Intuitive Healer | Reiki Master Teacher | Certified Yoga Instructor | Meditation Instructor

Hope for Today

By Sandy Seyler

Today, now is the only place and time you can be. Projecting into the future or lamenting the past only creates chaos in the mind. Hope is here today. I know you are confused, hurting and afraid for so many reasons. WE are all in this together. Some moments we can hold the hope and some moments we fall into despair. Everyone is struggling in some way. I have been struggling. This is a time of oneness. When one person falls into negativity another person maybe even around the world is holding the light. We are moving through this together. This is a time for quiet reflection of who we are now and who we would choose to be. Be gentle with yourself. Breathe. Take time to exercise and eat right. Relax. You know, all those things on the self care to do list we never get to. It's time. You are not alone. We are all her together. Some times you will be the ebb sometimes you will be the flow. Truly love yourself like never before. Like the Creator loves you. Love one another. It is the greatest commandment of all. Set your intentions to anchor into the peace. It is there. The Divinity of the Universe is waiting to give you peace. Waiting for you to float in Divine Stillness. Peace, be still! And you shall.

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